**Please note that we are backed up until July for featuring books.**
Any book featured on this site will be limited to ONE promotional post, whether it is an interview/guest post, spotlight, feature spot on social media, giveaway with our "What's in the mail" feature (see example), or review.
Any book featured on this site will be limited to ONE promotional post, whether it is an interview/guest post, spotlight, feature spot on social media, giveaway with our "What's in the mail" feature (see example), or review.
If we do one of the non-review posts, a review will NOT follow up later at the blog. It will be featured at the reviewer's Goodreads and/or Amazon account and shared as a link in a blog post at the end of a two-month period (see example). This is only if we have read the book and choose to review it.
If we do a review post, it will be on a consideration basis and we do not guarantee that it will post at the time of the book's publication, unless a date has been agreed upon for a blog tour. There's also the greater chance that the review will still be posted only on Amazon and/or Goodreads (and then linked in a future blog post), if we do not have sufficient space at the blog for posting the review. However, we will always share it with our readers on Facebook and Twitter. We will also notify you ahead of time to see if this option works for you, or if you want to wait longer for it to appear at the blog.
Review policy:
All books are accepted on a review consideration basis. Therefore sending us a book DOES NOT guarantee a review.
We reserve the right to not publicly review books if we find them to be unreadable, inappropriate, or unfinished. We do not post reviews if they are going to hurt the sales of the book, unless you personally give us permission to do so. We will contact you if we have concerns in this regard.
DO NOT contact us to ask when your review will be posted. Unless we specifically scheduled a review to coincide with a giveaway or blog tour, we cannot give you a date or time that it will post. We do not guarantee a timely review. We appreciate your patience!
We love hearing about new books. If you would like us to review or feature your book, please read our review guidelines. We will ONLY reply to messages where the book is a potential fit for our blog and we have seen that you followed our guidelines.
- Use this form to send your review requests.
- Self-published authors: We are well aware that the barriers to publication are high, and many wonderful authors are choosing to publish on their own. We are happy to read and review your book if it is written at a professional level. If we feel that the book is not well written, we will opt not to review it at this time. We feel this policy gives the self-published author a chance to rewrite and re-submit their book without a negative review hurting possible sales.
Books we love to review:
- Chick Lit
- Women’s Fiction
- Domestic suspense/psychological fiction
- SOME historical fiction revolving around female characters, that usually ties in with a modern day situation or would be of interest to chick lit fans (ex. Sarah Jio, Renee Rosen, Kristin Harmel, Kristin Hannah, Diane Chamberlain, Ellen Marie Wiseman, etc. )
- Some memoirs and books about empowering women.
Books you should ask another blog to review:
- Erotica
- Strictly historical with no modern ties
- Romance (different from romantic comedy, such as historical, new adult, etc.)
- Mystery (some cozy mysteries might be okay)
- Young Adult
- Romantic fantasy
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Children's literature
- How-to manuals
- Biographies about men
We do NOT accept payment for reviews.
Other options:
If you're here for the first time (or to feature a new book), and we don't have reviewer availability, we can discuss featuring it in another way if we feel the book is a fit. (Most likely, it will be an Instagram or Facebook feature post.) Keep in mind that there's a queue in place and we will do the best we can to feature it as soon as possible.
We also know many other book reviewers to whom we can refer you. Please contact us if you'd like a list.
For more guidelines on sending review requests, see this post by author and blogger, Lydia Laceby. Fictionella also posted a great set of tips for interacting with book bloggers. We agree with everything these bloggers have posted!